Dear Parents/Guardian,
As you may have heard, Cork Youth Darts (CYD) are now accredited with the Junior Darts Corporation (JDC). Although, CYD are now JDC accredited, CYD will still be operating as we were, having rankings every month, County challenges, INDO events, and the rest, so you are under no obligation to enrol your child with JDC.
JDC will give fantastic opportunities to the youths to excel in their ability and development through the routine that the they have in place.
This is very new to us starting off and I will explain here as best I can how it works, the benefits and the expense.
How it works…
There are 6 seasons in the year, and each season lasts 8 weeks.
Every week, there will be a JDC routine session. This routine was designed by JDC and is about focusing on specific targets on the dart board, which will help to improve a lot of aspects associated in the game of darts. At present, JDC routines are done online and each routine will take approx. 10 mins.
At the end of the season (After week 8) an average of your best 6 weeks are recorded and you are awarded a JDC medal with a coloured ribbon. Your average score determines the colour ribbon you are awarded. (It’s similar to Karate grading’s)
The Benefits with JDC
The JDC run various tours/events with a prize fund of over €10,000. Each event gives players the chance to qualify for the JDC world Championship finals in Gibraltar and the Junior World Darts Championship that will be held in the Ally Pally during the PDC world Championships. You can find more info on events here.
The Sky’s the Limit…
A further benefit is children will be able to bench mark their scores with children around the world.
JDC are partnered with godartspro, an online darts website, that has the JDC routine set up there, and its where you can see rankings from all JDC academies. It’s free to register with godartspro and its required to have an account with them for the JDC. You can create your godartspro account here
The Expense…
Like any organisation, it costs a few bob to run, and JDC is no different. The total yearly cost(in 2022) is about €160 per child, and is broken down like this;
€12 Registration fee – Pay once a year (Starts in 2022, it’s free for 2021)
€25 per season (Every 8 weeks or €150 Yearly)
The 3rd JDC season begins on April 26th and we will be starting for real that week. Between now and then, I will have some practice nights, so I can get the hang of it myself.